Have you ever noticed that when the days grow shorter, the nights grow darker, and the temperatures start to drop the time just seems ripe for quilting? After all, who wants to hold a queen-sized quilt on their lap in the summer to sew on binding?

Once harvest is over, and the fruits of our outdoor labors are brought in, we can really focus on making our homes cozy for the upcoming long winter. I love the cooler temperatures and the snowfall that arrives in winter, but the pleasant days of fall can’t be beat. In the evenings, I love to sit by my hubby (otherwise known as “the hubster” or occasionally, my “DH” dear husband) and visit, do handwork, and watch some t.v. Life just becomes more relaxed, and we have more time together.
I use quilts throughout my home all year long, but in the fall and winter, I really let them shine. When you visit my home, you are greeted by an entryway with a quilt on the wall, and at least one quilt on the settee. As you look into the living room, you will see table toppers on every flat surface, a quilt or two thrown over the couch and loveseat, and even mini quilts with their dolls near an antique treadle cabinet. All of these quilts make the rooms feel cozy and inviting. When I was young, I wanted my home to be a perfect place that never had anything out of order. Now, I just want it to be a place to relax and to welcome others. Quilts create that sense of welcoming.

As you walk through the house, you will continue to find table toppers, wall quilts, quilts on a rack, and of course, quilts on beds. All of these are changed out through the year as seasons change, and as I make new “favorites” and want to display them.
So many of us make big quilts every time, and we give a lot of those away. Why not make some things to keep for yourself? Seasonal toppers, wall quilts, and even lap quilts can really make your home feel like a place that welcomes visitors and is comfortable for the people who live there. Winter is around the corner, so let’s get cozy and settle in! It might be a long one. 🙂