Recently I had the privilege of teaching, lecturing, and taking a class at Quilt Nebraska 2019 in Seward, NE. For those that don’t have any idea what Quilt NE is, it is the annual state convention held for its members by the Nebraska State Quilt Guild. Both national and regional teachers are in one location for two fun-filled days of classes and lectures. In addition, there are banquets on Friday night and Saturday night, challenge quilts are shown, and a quilt show of quilts submitted by the teachers for the year is a highlight.
My adventure started with submission of class proposals in the fall of 2018. I submitted a proposal to teach a simple orange peel project for a half-day class because the theme for this year’s convention was centered around the color orange, and I knew it would likely be chosen. I also offered to do a 1/2 day lecture on color selection, which has been my most popular topic when I am hired to do trunk shows and lectures for guilds. After receiving the email that I was chosen to do both and that they would schedule them on Friday, I started planning to attend and take a class or two on Saturday.
I registered for my meals and my Saturday class and sent in my check, reserved a hotel room, and waited anxiously for the weekend to arrive. When Friday morning rolled around, I was up super early and headed to Seward. Upon arrival, I signed in and got my swag bag which included the annual convention pin, a hot/cold tumbler, and a 12″ Art Bin! Nice!
My orange peel class was first thing Friday morning, and went off without a hitch! Several lovely ladies took the class. It was so fun to see the fabrics they chose and to watch their project come together. By lunch, they all had their backgrounds sewn, orange peels cut, and were beginning to assemble their little table toppers. They will have no problem finishing it at home.

After lunch, I taught my color lecture, with some tips on organization thrown in, to a room full of ladies, and then it was off to the hotel to change into something orange and head back to the banquet. After the banquet, we played a fun game hosted by Sue Brown from Hastings using orange 2 1/2″ strips, and I came home with more than I took!
On Saturday, I took a class on wool. For years, I fought the urge to purchase wool. It looked fun, but I didn’t want to invest in another thing to add to my already too big stash of projects and fabric. Well, in a weak moment I caved and purchased a beautiful Buttermilk Basin pattern, and the rest is history. Now, I have a nice little wool stash built up, and several really cute kits that I purchased at Prairie Point Junction in Cozad, but really don’t know anything about how to work with wool. My class with Melody Brown from Cambridge shed enough light on the subject for me to actually use some of my wool! It was a great introduction to the process, and I learned a lot!

The Saturday night banquet included an inspirational talk by Kari Nichols of Mountainpeek Creations about the importance and relevance of what we as makers do with our talents. It was just so encouraging to hear that what we do really matters and that our creations will live on in the lives and souls that they touch.
The state convention is always a great experience. I see people that I never see any other time, get to take classes with teachers that I never have another opportunity to take classes with, and I leave inspired, renewed, and ready to continue my art. It is always worth the time and money I sacrifice to attend, and I can’t wait until next year in Kearney! If you are interested in joining the state guild and attending convention, you can find more information at nsqg.org.