I’ve been bloggin now for many years. I started out with a blog linked to my Google account, https://renaissancesandi.blogspot.com/ and, due to a very problematic situation where I was locked out permantly from that email account due to trying to log in with the wrong password while in a hotel (https://ltdquilting.com/advice-about-gmail-accounts/), I began a new blog in conjunction with launching my website.
The company that built my website has encouraged me to monetize my blog by providing product recommendations and affiliate links. I’m not sure that I want to promote a lot of online shopping, yet, at the same time, I do a lot of online shopping myself. I try to buy local if at all possible, and I encourage you to do the same.
I encourage everyone that reads my blog or is a member of my Sewing with Sandi group https://www.facebook.com/groups/1896306293975332 to shop locally whever possible, and to support their local quilt shops. However, my “local” quilt shops are at least a half hour drive, and with gas prices, I find it easier and faster sometimes to just order what I need.
Consequently, I have recently signed up to be a associate at both Amazon.com and battingsupersale.com and I would appreciate your support of my small business by using those links, if you are planning to purchase online, and I think you for doing so.
I also ask for your patience as I navigate this “new to me” online affiliate links opportunity with my not-so-savvy computer brain! http://<div id=”amzn-assoc-ad-4491f60d-a069-402c-b2f2-9da13dc9bd89″></div><script async src=”//z-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/onejs?MarketPlace=US&adInstanceId=4491f60d-a069-402c-b2f2-9da13dc9bd89″></script>